Sunday 21 February 2016

Facebook? You mean that...'treacherous' friend?

I opened my FB page today and noticed that I had been tagged a couple of times in some pics.
This hardly ever happens to me, so out of enthusiastic curiosity, I took a glance only to realise that they were pics of fried noodles, sizzling lamb and chicken chop suey. Of the lovely dinner we had on wednesday, I suddenly felt reduced to 'like' dishes and by extrapolation, thus, show my appreciation of that moment. WTF? Obviously, I can't condemn people who do it, as they are genuinely in a mindset of sharing and nurturing their networking but me having never been a big facebooker, this is not who I am nor intend to be in a near future.

The more I look at the various posts and comments from people I know, the more I tend to think that facebook is just a factory of make-believe. If we only wanted to be happy, would we bluntly put it out there in the open like this? or would we not simply enjoy life quietly? I can't believe that every single day, people just want to shout their happiness out to the world like this. Isn't there something fishy about that? I believe that we secretly just want to be happier than others and  we certainly want to show it off. We, individuals, tend to think that others are happier than us and we sometimes feel alienated at that thought. We then continuously upload pictures online each time we feel something good is happening as if to prove that we, as well, are having fun and leading a grandiloquent life. How could we be 'in' otherwise? Ironically the more 'fun' we seem to show we are having, the more 'friends' queue up at the door. After all, who would want to follow the life of a bore online? We just want to hang out with 'cool' people, don't we?

Facebook used to have an impact on my life. At times, it made me feel sad and lonely simply when I looked at that display of everyone else having fun and experiencing new stuff while I was being a total bore. That said, I recently decided to dig deeper and it hit me when I realised that some people whom I know are going through some rough seas continue showcasing only their best profiles online as if they needed to feed an image to people. They just cannot bear to appear as losers or weak. This has brought me to the strange conclusion that pain is personal and happiness is impersonal.But...aren't there different seasons in everyone's life? isn't there a winter, a spring, an autumn and a summer? After all, life is not an unending summer holiday, is it? Life plays between drums and stringed instruments and stretches from cacophony to symphony.

Facebook = A Book to show your Happy Face and any other Happy part that comes with it.

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